"I decided to invest in a critical illness policy two years ago when I was 50 years old. I considered it a wise hedge against future illness, knowing that if I was healthy to age 65 I would be reimbursed all my premium payments. It seemed like a no brainer. I had no idea within two years I would be diagnosed with prostate cancer. A week after sending in my claim, the insurance company called to say my critical illness claim had been accepted and a cheque was in the mail. The money helped pay for a more advanced robotic prostatectomy that Rick arranged for me and isn't covered by the public health system. This procedure gave me a better surgical outcome. And it continues to pay for some of the expensive medication I need to help with my post surgery issues.
Getting a critical illness policy is one of the best financial decisions I've made. I am happy to say I am cancer free at the moment. I am grateful to Rick for his caring and great advice."
Graham Hatch
LG 104.3 FM